Wednesday, March 11, 2020


It’s 3am but I have not been to sleep for the day of 3/10 so I hope this counts! Man this challenge is hard when I’m not in my school routine. My mind is in a million places and I have just skipped over writing daily. I should be asleep because I leave for Austin in the morning. I am worried because I have school work to do and I know how Austin can be a distraction. Luckily my sister will be at work and I have only told one other friend I will be in town.

I did not feel good today my throat was hurting so bad I was gagging when I swallowed. I went to my doctor and I do NOT have the coronavirus. This virus crazed thing reminds me that yesterday I went to the grocery store and they were sold out of peroxide! I’m not sure how peroxide helps with viruses but that is also why I’m not in the medical field. I just thought to be interesting.

I am really thinking about trying to take a picture everyday to document my slice of life. I really wish I thought of where I wanted to go with this challenge instead of my random writing of my thoughts. I keep reminding myself that I wanted to do this as a way to process my thoughts for the day. I think I should probably focus in to that so that I will want to write everyday more than I have to because I committed to it. I need to find my joy of writing, thanks Ralph! Well I’m off to sleep now!

Until tomorrow

Monday, March 9, 2020

Post Birthday

So I missed a few days, I blame my birthday and just needing a break from adulting. My birthday was great, daylight savings messed me up. I went with my mom and daughter to see Sleeping Beauty at the ballet. It was amazing and my daughter did much better than 2 years ago at the nutcracker. My dad and brother made an amazing dinner, there is not much more I could have asked for. This is 32, it is crazy how life changes. Well I am ready for bed again.

Until Tomorrow

Here is picture of the ballet

Thursday, March 5, 2020


SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am officially on spring break and after I dropped my little one off at school tomorrow I will be transformed into Mandy. She is my alter ego, you know that carefree, badass, woman? Something like the Sasha Fierce to Beyonce. That will be me, no more “Mom I’m hungry” or “Mom do this, mom do that”. It will be a “wait you hear that? Yeah me neither” kind of night. I have quite figured out if I want to get dressed up and dance the night away with girlfriends or stay in bed with some red wine and watch Love is Blind on Netflix, either one sound incredible and I CANNOT wait!

Stay tuned for either a drunk post... well either way I might be drunk 🤷🏼‍♀️

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Life’s Goodness

My current situation is in a warm bubble bath, listening to slow jams in the candlelight, while eating chocolate. This is well deserved and this week continues to strengthen me. It was my last day with my special education class at the primary level and they did not disappoint for the last day.

My mentor teacher and paraprofessional told me they have had the worst day of the year yesterday. I am not sure if the students were feeding off the energy of yesterday, or they sensed the tiredness of the teachers (including me), or the anticipation of spring break but they fought the good fight today. This consisted of defiance, not sharing with peers, stubbornness of not completing assignments and complete chaos at lunch. So how do I feel about teaching children with disabilities after today? I still cannot picture my life not doing it. I had tears in my eyes as I told each student goodbye and gave my hug and smile. These children have made such an impact on me that lights the fire in me to be that for my future students.

My biggest take away from this experience is that as a future special education teacher, I have to be an advocate for these children. I promise my future students that I will protect them and provide the best quality of life no matter how many feathers I ruffle. Discrimination against people that are different is still a big problem. So thank you for my sweet class until we meet again!

Tuesday, March 3, 2020


Have you heard of this new concept of the coronavirus? Well if you have not, you are lucky! This topic is so big right now that my seven year old daughter is talking about it. This concept started with questions about flu season. From there is progressed to *cough* "Mom,  I think I have the flu!" from my little hypochondriac. Now we are at the stage of constant requests of a flu mask. Yes! One of those tacky blue stiff masks. 

Now I do NOT have any of the masks laying around. I blew off the first round of requests like, "Yeah sure I grab one for you one day." Well I am now asked about this mask 4-5 times a day! I told my daughter, "Your great grandma and great aunt go to the doctor all the time, why don't you ask them to grab one for you." Turns out my aunt had one that she grabbed extra from when she was going through chemo a few months ago. 

So here were are today, March 3rd, I am up at 4:30 am to get ready for my field experience. My daughter stays asleep and then my aunt wakes here up after I leave to get ready for school. My it takes a marching band and a herd of elephants to wake my daughter up, girl gets up 6:00 am to ask how is she going to get her flu mask from my aunt. Background information on my daughter, she is super shy and will only ask me for things. 

I told her I would text my aunt to remind her to get the mask for my daughter. This girl reminded me seven times before I walked out of the door in 30 minutes. To end this story, she got her mad. I haven’t seen it but was told her wore it most of the day at school. Only my child’s

My daughter did not write today. We had an event at her school that kept ya there until late. She was pretty tired after that I let her go to bed instead of write. 

Monday, March 2, 2020


Exhaustion is real today. I actually took a nap after I picked up my daughter from school but I had to wake up to get her and myself ready for bed. I cannot recall a time that I have done that. I hope after tonight's sleep I will start to not feel so tired. I am ready for that moment that I actually feel rested. I am so tired and overwhelmed that I do not respond to text messages or answer phone calls because I am scared my friends want to make extra plans. I am currently ignoring messages from my best friend's entire family because they are at my favorite place hanging out on the last day before my best friend's brother goes back to Colorado. My crush is also there! But I have responsibilities and I am TIRED!

Overwhelmed is the other extreme feeling I am experiencing today. I found out I have a mid term that consists of 10 questions. Each question has to be answered in 2-3 pages, APA format, and with references! There goes my spring break! My birthday is the Sunday before spring break and I just want a day of nothing and maybe a massage. I had the idea to take a nice bubble bath tonight, NOPE! That is way too much work,

My daughter was very excited yesterday about our challenge. Today she is over it. I tried with telling her to just write that she did not feel like writing today and that she would revisit it tomorrow. She did not like that idea. She is currently writing about something. I am interested to know it is; we share our posts with each other. I am not sure if she will make it through the challenge. I told her if we make it through the challenge we could have a celebration, at first she was like "yes!", then she wanted to lower the days to 14 days, then she gave up on the celebration. I think I need to get a way to display the days we write to remind me and show her we can do it! Fingers crossed she will continue down this journey with me!

Good night everyone, my favorite part day is coming, bed time!

Sunday, March 1, 2020


It looks like in the process of trying to translate my daughter’s slice of life writing that I deleted my whole post. Well here is her writing.